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Superintendent's Corner: September


Friend Public School

1307 County Road 1350
Chickasha, OK 73018

p.405.224.3822  f. 405-222.5416



Hello Friend Community!


Welcome to the first edition of the Superintendent’s corner!  Each month, we will release news and information that we hope you find helpful and useful.  Please let us know if you have any questions about anything school related.


1. The school year is off to a great start!  The new pick-up and drop-off routes seem to be working very well. Thank you to all of you for your help and cooperation as we have made this adjustment with the hope of providing a faster process for you.

2. Our enrollment at the start of the school year was 218 which is what we ended the year with last year. Enrollment numbers are important as the number of students we have is a huge factor in the funding we receive from the state. We know that all of our parents have a choice as to where they send their children to school. We are thankful that you have chosen us and we look forward to providing a quality educational experience to your children.

3.  While the year has started off well from a procedural standpoint, we are having a wave of sickness going through our student body. Just a reminder that we have adjusted the school’s Return to Learn (COVID) plan according to CDC protocols. The plan is as follows:

  1. Anyone who tests positive for COVID must remain home for 5 days. Day 0 is the positive test date. 

  2. Those who are in close contact with someone who tests positive are not required to stay home as long as they are symptom-free.  

  3. Those who have been in close contact with a positive case are encouraged to wear a mask though the wearing of a mask is not required. 

While the CDC has softened some of the requirements we need your help. Please do not send your child to school if he/she has a temperature. We appreciate your help!


4.  You may or may not have seen the information we released a couple of weeks ago regarding the use of the new addition to the school. A few years ago, the community helped us to pass a bond. Part of the plan for the bond was to create a new entrance to the school and new offices. However, after further consideration, we are going to use the new facilities to serve students being served through our Special Education Dept. The new space will provide our students with larger, more inviting areas to learn!  We plan on extending an awning-type covering from the current entrance out to the parking lot. The awning will have signage stating that it is the entrance to the school.  We hope you understand the need for the change and we appreciate your continued support.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

5.  The Lady Falcon Softball team is well underway and hoop season is right around the corner. Please check out the school website for schedules. 


Mr. Rogers

Friend School Superintendent